Hệ thống thử rung xóc theo phương đứng thủy lực SM01-2 SM01-5 SM01-25 SM01-50 SM01-100 SM01-200 SM01-400 SM01-600 SM01-1000 SM01-1500 Hydraulic Vertical Shock Test System

Hydraulic Vertical Shock Test System is used to measure and determine the impact resistance of products or packaging, and to evaluate the reliability and structural integrity of products in a shock environment. The system can perform conventional half-sine wave, post-peak sawtooth wave, square wave and other waveform shock tests to achieve the shock wave and impact energy that the product is subjected to in the actual environment, thereby improving the product or packaging structure.

Mã sản phẩm: 1208-13590 Danh mục: