COMETECH QC-317A Máy kiểm tra độ thẩm thấu nước

Product Serial : QC-317A
Water Penetration Tester
Confirm to AATCC127, JIS-L1092, ISO811 Standard

QC-317A can add water pressure in constant rate on tarpaulin, when water drop penetrate from tarpaulin, at this moment the pressure is hydrostatic pressure characteristic of tarpaulin.

  1. Water pressure method: Water level increase at speed of 1cm/sec. When three points penetration happen, record the highest level. ( this is the most common method)
  2. Fixed water pressure method: Water level increase to a particulate level at speed of 1cm/sec. record the time when three points penetration happen.
  3. Leakage method:Water level increase to particular level and stop immediately and then observe how much water leaking (ml) within a regulative period.


Industry: Textile

Mã sản phẩm: 1156-20690 Danh mục: