Máy hàn siêu âm SW-D900S-20 SW-D900S-27 SW-D900S-39 SW-D600S-39 SW-D600S-48 hãng Avio

High-speed・automation machine type line up to support reliable “Monozukuri” (manufacturing)

SW-D series has 5 models of 20kHz~48.5kHz, 600W/900W with various control mode and monitoring function, which is applicable to wide variety of work.
It is the high-end ultrasonic welder with Ethernet capability and tractability.

  • High-speed and stable welding
  • Small size, Vertical type, and Easy setting with remote control
  • Selectable Oscillation Mode for Optimal Welding Condition
  • Oscillation Amplitude is Continuously Variable between 30-100%
  • Real-time Monitoring for OK/NG Checking
  • Many Interfaces for IoT
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