Máy kiểm tra độ mỏi động Hung Ta Hungta HT-1231-B2

Machine conforms to ISO/EN/ABNT/NBR/CNS/GB/CPSC, etc. standards for bicycle testing.
Powered by electrodynamics, the machine is suitable for the dynamic, static, compression,
and tension testing of various bicycle components. The ergonomically designed machine
comes with complete features and offers great versatility. It is easy to install and operate,
ideal for R&D or for quality control management.
Environmentally friendly, power saving, noise-free
#& Actuator provides stable force during dynamic and / or
static testing.
® Satisfies |SO 4210-6 Sec. 4.3 Fatigue Test with
Pedaling Forces

Mã: 1168-21190 Danh mục: