Nguồn hàn NRW-IN400P kiểu Inverter hãng Avio biến áp NT-IN8444A

Máy hàn hiệu suất cao và dễ dàng sử dụng.

This product is High reliability inverter type resistance welding power supply which realizes high definition control. Free inverter frequency selection type and 127 step free style welding profile which realize high reliability welding in variety welding scenes. By Program Box that remote control is possible, it will improve more freedom in terms of arrangement of welding power supply in an automated system. Automation machine type welding power supply which equipped high dustproof.

Selectable frequency (2k, 4k, 5kHz)
127 steps (Slope, weld, cool) parameter setting
Variation of weld stop: Less than 1ms
Enhanced dust-proof structure (Dust, oil mist)
Remote control by program box
Multiple power source 3-phase AC200V to 480V
Ethernet Connection

Máy hàn kim loại, máy hàn điện trở, máy hàn inverter, máy hàn micro, thiết bị hàn hãng Avio

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